Monday, April 28, 2014


Batman-1989-LogoI was playing some DC All Access videos on Youtube for background noise while typing out a comic book review, when I heard someone (possibly Kevin Smith) say something about how almost each generation has their own Batman. For my father it was Adam West's version from the 1960's, being an 80's kid my Batman of course was Michael Keaton from Batman (1989) and Batman Returns, and my oldest daughters first Batman is Christian Bale in the Dark Knight Trilogy, while the youngest daughter will have Ben Affleck. Some of the poor 90's kids may have Val Kilmer or George Clooney as theirs.
Michael-Keaton.Batman.Bamtan1989Jokes aside, with Batman '66 did well after its first year, even spawning a Batman '66 And The Green Hornet spin-off title. Why not give the next generation their Batman in comic book form? That of course being Batman '89. A lot would of course be reset and done in an original manner, but it would be nice to see Tim Burton's version of the caped crusader come back to life. Something which would happen to a Jack Nicholson inspired Joker. Batman of course would be inspired by Michael Keaton, but to not scare away the Kilmer and Clooney peeps, keep the villains and additional heroes in the style of Batman Forever and Batman & Robin. Mr. Freeze would be Arnold Schwarzenegger, Robin is Chris O'Donnell, you get the idea. A dark, Gothic styled Gotham City similar to what Tim Burton laid out in his initial films, keeping Schumacher's bright lights for when characters like The Riddler are up to no good.
Jack-Nicholson.The-Joker.Batman1989It could make for some moments that we were deprived of as well. Imagine Jim Carrey's version of The Riddler in scenario's with Nicholson's Joker. Of course, there is also the Two-Face we were originally supposed to have. Goodbye to Tommy Lee's rendition, and hello to the original Harvey Dent, Billy Dee Williams. I believe it was a scheduling conflict that stopped this from happening, and a comic book version would be a perfect way to bring it to life. Perhaps even call upon Tim Burton and Billy Dee Williams themselves to help show what they had in mind all those years ago.
For new characters that didn't make it to the big screen during the Batman (1989) franchise, draw inspiration from either stars from that era. Preferably, the ones that were perhaps rumored to be playing someone in these movies. Everyone likely has their own opinion, but there has to be many of you who agree that this could make for a great comic book series. It is the Year Of The Batman, so why not? It is a part of Batman75 history. Maybe one day. Until then....

Stay Nerdy!

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It's is approaching that time of year again! Next weekend on Saturday, May 3rd, 2014 to be exact. That's right, Free Comic Book Day has returned! It is when comic book publishers (DC Comics, Marvel Comics, etc) get together with the comic book stores across North America  and give back to us fans. With a new batch of free comic books available, as well as a variety of events being held by different comic book shops. Be sure to check out your local comic book store to see what they have planned! You can use the Comic Shop Locator to find a store near you.
Whether you're a single nerd, the lone nerd in the house, or a family of nerds, it is a day to spend having a little bit of fun without the hassle that goes into attending a comic-con. But with some of the same perks. Free stuff is never a bad thing, and most (if not all) stores will have some sort of discount set-up to encourage adding to your collections.

DC-Comics.FCBD.Free-Comic-Book-Day-2014Some of the free comic books that will be available are;
  • DC The New 52 Futures End SE
  • Guardians Of The Galaxy
  • Transformers Vs G.I. Joe
  • Epic #0
  • Street Fighter #0
  • Alll Rocket Raccoon
  • Bleeding Cool Magazine
  • Grimm Fairy Tales #0
CBA.FCBDAs well as many more (for a complete list click HERE). Ranging from kids to teens and adults. There is even going to be something from WizKids who are making Arkham Origins Batman and Joker Heroclix available for free for fans on this fun filled day. But these, as like the comic books are a first come, first serve basis so be sure to get down to your local comic book shop earlier than later. Personally, I will aiming to hit up my usual shop of choice. And according to their flyer, it should make for a good day for myself and my junior nerds. Remember to use the Comic Shop Locator to find a store near you and see what they have planned for this yearly event!

For more News, Reviews, and more on Comic Books, Movies, TV Shows, Video Games, and Wrestling! Head on over to The Non-Geeky Nerd! Until next time...

Stay Nerdy!

Friday, April 4, 2014


A lot of you may think that there are already too many variant covers in the world of comic books. They are going to happen regardless so these will be what should happen, at least an opinion of what should. Although the money value of these comic books may have dropped due to the over usage of the variant cover gimmick, the personal value is a matter of opinion. The variants can make for unique covers as well as a collision of worlds that may or may not happen in other mediums. There is the Black & White covers, or simply an alternate artists take, and even a blank variant cover. Which most take to comic book conventions as to get a choice artist to render them a truly unique cover. Themed variants with an example being the recent Steampunk style making its way onto the covers. Cross-Promotions have also made their way into the variant cover scene with the likes of Lego and Scribblenauts. Celebrations usually join in on the fun too, recently Superman having variants that included a different era and the style of that time to celebrate the original superheroes 75th Anniversary. Will be interesting to see what happens this year with Batman75 celebrations.

Batman-75th-anniversary.75-years-of-BatmanNow some of these may or may not have already happened in the past, or perhaps are likely to never happen due to different publishers owning the rights to certain characters or what not. If they have happened then perhaps they could be done again, but with fresh talent or a different crop of characters appearing on the covers. A few ideas that are obvious, while others are perhaps truly just the opinion of one. Here is a list of comic book variant covers that should happen...


This may have happened, but have come up short in a search for actual variant covers that weren't fan-made. If it hasn't, then it should. DC Comics did beat Marvel to the Lego mash-up with the video games and movie. Marvel had a run of Lego variant covers, DC Comics should join the club.

Self-Made.Fan-Art.Batman.DC-Comics.Of course these have been done on even standard covers, but these could be done in other ways that make them more intriguing or unique from what has been done before. Perhaps actors and actresses who have portrayed the comic characters in movies and television reliving their past roles on the variant covers. Even use them as part of the promotion of an upcoming movie. Example would be having the stars of the Man Of Steel follow-up appear full costume on the covers. Batfleck in all his glory gracing the variant covers of the Bat-titles, Henry Cavill reprising Superman on the Kryptonian's  titles, Gal Gadot on the Wonder Woman cover, and of course a group shot for Justice League.

The-Simpsons.Bartman.Bart-Simpson.MAD Magazine may have the lead in the parody department, at DC Comics mostly but they do cross-over for the films and shows. Skottie Young's Baby Marvel covers are amazing as well. This however is referring to the animated television shows that poked fun or have paid homage to the comic book world. Shows like The Simpson's, South Park, Family Guy and American Dad. Some are owned by other publishers, but if they worked out a deal, why not? The target audience is generally the same, and they could make for some humorous covers. Even Robot Chicken's DC Comics Special would make for some interesting variant covers for fans of the show and the special.

New-Lobo.Redesigned-Lobo.New-52-Lobo.It could make for a way to test the market with new talent making it to the big leagues to see how the larger customer base gauges them. Instead of finding out during a multiple issue run or as a co-artist where the work is either lost within the main artists work, or forced to be side by side with that art which could be more accepted by the general fan. This is even a way to test the fans with possible changes to a characters appearance. Variant Covers can be viewed as simply an alternate interpretation as opposed to a leaked image which can come across as something concrete and harder for fans to initially accept.

Another idea for the live action shot would be to use cosplay winners from various comic cons, or THE comic con in San Diego. Even use the more known cosplayers out there. Some of them are top notch and movie quality in appearance. Likely more affordable than actors, even though it could be somehow worked out for a reasonable if not free price. May be able to act on screen, but if you appear on the cover of that characters comic book, then they truly can say things like..."I'm Batman!!" And there are also plenty of other ways they could do Variant Covers. Feel free to chime in below in the comments section, or where ever you found this post (StumbleUpon, Facebook, etc). Until next time...

Stay Nerdy!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


The-Walking-Dead.TWD.Daryl-Dixon.Norman-ReedusAfter initially being "fooled" this past April Fools Day, I decided to partake and help spread the initial prank. Daryl Dixon was set to make his debut within the pages of the comic book "The Walking Dead". Of course if you watch the show, you are well aware of Norman Reedus' role as the rough neck archer Daryl Dixon. Who was created for AMC's "The Walking Dead" and has never appeared in the comic from which it originates.
The reaction across the net seemed to consist of three groups. Fans of the television series being all in favor for such an event. Fans of the only "The Walking Dead" universe within the comic books. And those who were either a fan of either or both, who simply could care less either way. Most had valid arguments as to why he should or shouldn't. Some simply love the character that is Daryl Dixon and see him as a missing piece to the comic world. He draws ratings after having grown into one of the more popular characters on the show, maybe he could add to even more sales numbers for "The Walking Dead" comic book. Others have stated that the comic book doesn't "need" him to appear within the comic books, as it is strong enough as it is. Him appearing would be cliche and something Marvel Comics or DC Comics would do. Neither side is wrong. He would add to sales, but they don't need the bump. More money would benefit the creative team and then in turn the fans if the opposite of the Big 2 in those regards, but not guaranteed and unneeded right now.
The-Walking-Dead.TWD.Daryl-Dixon.Norman-Reedus.Come to think of it, the "Life and Death Of Daryl Dixon" somewhat represents bad things for all fans in some ways. We will know ratings have taken a dive and the show is in trouble if Daryl Dixon is killed off, and if he lives within the comic books, we will know that the sales have dipped majorly. The Walking Dead Creator Robert Kirkman says that it will never happen, but comic book business is similar to what they say religiously in wrestling and that is "never say never". So who's to say that Daryl Dixon fans won't get their wish of having him grace the pages of "The Walking Dead" after having loved the character on AMC's version. Until then...

Stay Nerdy!