Sunday, September 29, 2013


Now, usually I reserve thoughts like this for things like Pro-Wrestling and other sports because they are based a little more on stats than it is with comic books where this is totally a matter of opinion no matter how much real life information we have. Only thing that can truly beat a comic book character is lack of interest and sales, where in athletics its based on performance but little to do with how fans receive an athlete (as long as the seats are filled mind you). Another key difference, is that in comic books even the writers don't usually give a clear cut winner so not to take anything away from the "loser".

In Pro-Wrestling it is matches like Stone Cold Steve Austin versus Goldberg, John Cena versus Hulk Hogan, in Basketball it is Michael Jordan versus Dr. J Julius Erving or MJ annihilating Lebron James (Sorry, give me Kobe or Durant imo), Baseball it is well, Baseball is a hard one with all the PE (performance enhancing) going on the last few years (and who knows how long before), but I digress.

In comic books, the bigger picture is more of a dream match between the DC Comics and Marvel Comics Universes, as we have been treated to seeing favorites of a publisher face other favorites, and I do believe there was somewhat of a cross-promotion thing way back in the day. Like I mentioned before rarely is there a clear cut winner in the dream matches that have occured  as not to take away anything from the losing character, and usually in the rematch (if there is one) the other person gets their shot at victory so to speak. Look at the Superman Vs Batman situations, obviously Superman would have the advantage, he's freakin' Superman, but numerous times Batman has not only "won" but knocked the last son of Krypton out cold (Yes, he used Kryptonite, but still).

So, the following is a list of dream matches that I would like to see one day, I won't go into detail, as most are pretty self explanatory, and others are a matter of my opinion and mostly just a curiousity of how it would look and how it would go down.

 The Flash (DC) -Vs- Quicksilver (Marvel)
Any of the Flash characters really, but go with Barry Allen's. The obvious question here is, Who's Faster?

Superman (DC) -Vs- Hulk (Marvel)
Now, this is one that has me curious about a lot. From the visuals, the entire story behind it, to the ending with who won and how...and then the fanboy reaction that stems from it.

Doomsday (DC) -Vs- Hulk (Marvel)
This would possibly make the destruction from The Avengers and Man Of Steel movies look like a small dust storm. And quite possibly would never end.

Batman (DC) -Vs- Iron Man (Marvel)
Simply to show step by step how Batman will crush Iron Man ahaha I am joking. What makes this even more interesting is the Bruce Wayne versus Tony Stark side of things also.

Green Arrow (DC) -Vs- Hawkeye (Marvel)
Obvious reasons, no?

Black Canary (DC) -Vs- Siren (Marvel)
I tad harder to match up the ladies for me, I would have Black Canary against Banshee either before or after this. Likely as the catalyst to give a reason for the battle perhaps.

Batman (DC) -Vs- Wolverine (Marvel)
My 2 favorite characters of all-time (call me whatever you want). I would start this off as a team-up with them hunting someone, and have the end result be what triggers the conflict. What's the end result? Wolvie kills, Batman does not. And there would be a "rubber-match" so that the other guy gets the dub'.

Batman (DC) -Vs- Captain America (Marvel)
To be honest, this is more of a build up for the ones that follow.

Robin (DC) -Vs- Bucky (Marvel)
When you think of side-kicks, you must think of at least one of these two.

Nightwing (DC) -Vs- Winter Soldier (Marvel)
This one for me really is that when I had seen a picture of Winter Soldier (I apologize if that's not even his name) I immediately thought about Nightwing. After learning that this was once Bucky, it kinda was hard not to compare.

Cyborg (DC) -Vs- Cable (Marvel)
Appearance wise, it would have been Cyborg against Deathlok, but Deathlok is a brain in a robot from what I've looked up, so the man/robot ratio is more even with my choices. Plus, I wanted Cable on here somehow, as he is another all-time favorite.

Aquaman (DC) -Vs- Namor, Sub-Mariner (Marvel)
Who's king of the sea?

Some "honorable mentions" if you will I guess would be...
Plastic Man (DC) -Vs- Mr. Fantastic (Marvel)
Black Mask (DC) -Vs- Red Skull (Marvel)
Darkseid (DC) -Vs- Thanos

Stay Nerdy!

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