Thursday, October 10, 2013


There's another Bat-title joining the ranks sometime in Spring of 2014. A list that is pretty long if they continue to keep to the 52 title limit (not including "non-continuity" and "one-shots"), but with the majority of the titles within the Bat-family being well done, and keeping off the DC chopping block for low sales, it makes sense business wise to tap into it if there is interest. Only problem is trying to keep up with everything, however Scott Snyder has said before that if you read only "Batman" during a Bat-family crossover event, you will still get the base of the story. The new title is called "Batman: Eternal" and will be a team-effort of a collection of writers, lead writer being Scott Snyder.

As a Bat-Fan I am excited, I love "bigger" stories, that's why I don't mind cross-over events so much. It's the collective price that gets rough at times. Here is a list of both mine and my nerdy's monthly titles;
  • Batman
  • Batman: The Dark Knight
  • Batman And Robin
  • Batman Inc (just ended).
  • Detective Comics
  • Green Lantern
  • Justice League
  • Red Lanterns
  • Batgirl
  • Batwoman
  • Catwoman
  • Birds Of Prey
  • Supergirl
  • Batman: Li'l Gotham
  • Batman '66
  • The Walking Dead
Plus, in November we'll be adding 2x copies of "Harley Quinn" to that list. So, that will be 18 issues a month, 19 if "Justice League Of Canada" is any good. And when you add on the cross-overs, and such, it gets steep. Also, they (DC Comics) make it difficult to drop a title. "Justice League" was on the block for myself. Was going to drop the title once 24 or maybe 25 were in the comic book box, that was going smooth until "Forever Evil" and the Crime Syndicate joined the mix. Before you ask, yes, every issue of "Forever Evil: Arkham War" will be added to the collection. The first issue joined the ranks today, and although I don't like to give reviews as everyones opinion is their own so one should read the material and not someones review, but I must say that it is really good, and I am eager to see how things unfold in Gotham with the Villains running the show for a bit.

News also dropped that "Detective Comics #27" is an all-star cast and 104 pages long. Among that all-star creative team is Frank Miller. Yes, the Frank Miller. "The Dark Knight Returns", if you haven't read it, GO READ IT!!! You're welcome. "Detective Comics #27" is part of Batman's illustrious 75th Anniversary. Combined with the ending of an already stellar "Zero Year" coming to an end, and the new title, 2014 looks to be the Year Of The Bat. A year away, but I would like to see next years relaunch anniversary be Bat-themed, or at least have the Bat-related things be bigger than the others aha Head over to DC Comics and check out all the details.

In closing, although it may seem like I was complaining about the cost, I was, I am human we chirp unless it is free aha Regardless, the last 2 years have been worth every penny....I can't say that anymore being Canadian (we dropped the penny)so I guess from now on it is....worth every rounded up nickel!

Stay Nerdy!

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