Monday, March 3, 2014


Just like the stories that give them meaning, the style and look of a character are also ever evolving. Whether it is "keeping with the times" or simply a different artists take on the character, the visuals and a characters costumes can at times tell us things about the person or their part in the story without needing the words to so. From simple things to slightly deeper things, that if not tell us outright, at least have us wondering "why".
For some characters, even a very basic change in their usual color scheme adds almost a new dynamic to them. Haven't read, but I could tell that the black and greys in the more modern X-Force in characters like Wolverine and Deadpool meant it was a stealthy, tactical team aka sneak in and conquer (may be wrong, but feel free to correct me on that in the comments box below, or on the Facebook postings comment box that brought you here. Helps me learn!)

So, decided to try and cover characters that likely have massive wardrobes in their homes to hold all of the different looks that they have had over the years. Instead of just one massive list, figured maybe to do more of a focus on each "Style Savant", for if anything, to show some of their various looks.

The first entry in "Style Savants" is...

Scott Summers aka Cyclops

If Scotty was created today, it would almost be safe to say he would be a more similar to say "Barnie Stinson" from the television series "How I Met Your Mother" based on his wide selection of....wait for it.....suits. Okay, perhaps he would still be the bland, boy scout, leader he has always been, but he has a knack for evolving his look, but perhaps that is from being basically "stuck" wearing that visor and red shades. But he's made it work, people talk about Punisher being man enough to pull off white disco boots, check out Slim rocking the disco boots in both white and yellow.


His look hasn't changed too much with really his styles consisting of "hooded" and "un-hooded" and the trademark visor staying the same mainly. The 1990's saw him go with a more "tactical" approach adding his version of Batman's utility belt, minus the endless gadgets, but we know he's ready to lead his teams into battle. And speaking of Batman, anyone else get the "Nightwing" vibe from one of Cyclops' newer suits? As for his movie costumes, generally no evolution, but that all seemed to help make the X-films work. His visor in the movie  universe wasn't too bad, but would be nice to see not only a return, but when he does a newer more interesting take on his wardrobe.


Well, that was the first entry in "Style Savants". Thanks for taking the time to read and take a look. Feel free to mention any of Cyclops' looks or costumes that may have been missed. His "Slim" look from him and Jean Grey's (Redd) honeymoon would be one of them, but couldn't find an image. And of course there is the animated styles, but, trying to stay closer to what has appeared within the comic books and a touching on what has appeared within the live action film and television appearances. Keep them peeled for future installments of "Style Savants" where we will take a look at the various looks and costumes of other comic book characters.

Stay Nerdy!

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