Thursday, April 23, 2015


It does appear to be an interesting "event" based on the information that has floated around since DC Comics "Convergence" began. Azrael is still Batman, a mantle he claimed after the events of "Batman: Knightfall". Superman/Clark Kent and Lois Lane are not only still a married couple, but they are expecting their first child.  The list goes on. All interesting, but all apparently "irrelevant" to continuity. A continuity that is to remain intact as DC Comics ends their "New 52" imprint. And the apparent reason for "Convergence" was to almost "fill the void" as DC Comics moved their offices from the East coast to the West coast.

There are likely plenty of fans buying up their favorite titles and their stories, including the "Convergence" title itself. What about the rest of us? Those who have no real interest in something almost irrelevant? Two months is a long time for those who are strictly DC Comics fans, to not be in the comic book shops. Personally, back issues from both New 52 and titles from before the relaunch would be one thing, but what about those who have no other reason? That must put a small dent in the comic book shops profits.
Even those who will continually go to their local shops, they would now have money to spend else where. Possibly a competitors product. However, Marvel might be dropped due to a similar event taking place. But, there are other publishers, and whether it affects shops, it does simply mean less money in DC Comics pockets. Two months is also long enough for people's interests to change also.
DC Comics receives props for maintaining their continuity through their "soft relaunch". Who knows how many more fans, both new and old, they would have lost if they had. But, how will things look after "Convergence" ends? It is said that the general tone of things will be lighter than before. A decision that may please some, but may turn away others.

As with their movieverse, it is of course "wait and see". Hopefully things won't be too different than they were before "Convergence". The darker tones of the characters and their stories, made the world outside look a tad bit brighter for some. Perhaps expanding the '66 and '77 type worlds for those who seek the light. Those are the era's in which the majority refer to, when wanting a lighter DC Comics.

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Thursday, April 2, 2015


Convergence (noun)
-The process or state of converging.
Converge (verb-converging)
-Several people or things coming together from different directions so as eventually to meet.

For some fans, mostly those who chose the launching of the New 52 to jump on board with DC Comics, that is really all that is known. Now four years later, the new readers (mainly) are left in the dark so to speak. Titles have come and gone since DC Comics relaunch, so the dropping of the titles wasn't really a shocker. Although the number of titles, as well as some of the choices were another story. And of course, there is the fact that they are dropping the New 52 banner. That was easier to swallow after DC Comics stated that the continuity would go forward unchanged. The choices of course are a matter of opinion, but Batwoman? The title was able to set itself apart from the other Batman books. Green Lantern Corps, Green Lantern: New Guardians, and Red Lanterns? Sure, the number of Lantern books needed to be rolled back, however, now the choices are only Green and Yellow. And yes the Bat-titles needed to be trimmed, but Arkham Manor just started really (although that makes sense given the premise). And lets be honest, how long until DC Comics relaunches Swamp Thing, again?

The point of all of this isn't so much the new, relaunch but not relaunch (what is this called? Other than Marvel-esque?). The point is, what are the new fans to do for the next three months? Sure the continuity from the New 52 will be carrying on after Convergence, but it is put on hold for 3 months. Yes, there are many titles that may intrigue fans. The Convergence title itself, "cross-over/tie-in" titles like Superman. Where Superman and Lois Lane are not only still married, but expecting their first child). Or a world where Azrael still dawns the mantle of Batman in Shadow Of The Bat. Should fans (those with no interest beyond the New 52's continuity) even pay attention to any of this? Will any of this massive, three month story "mean anything" in the end? Is this simply a "one off" while DC Comics transitions offices from the east coast to the west? Or possibly a sort of test to see if any of these characters or storylines are what the fans want within the continuity (Shazam?)?
Although the continuity will remain intact, how will the stories and overall tone of the titles be? Word has it that DC Comics is looking to give into the group that felt the books were too "dark", and lightening things up. Will this be a gradual change, or will everything revert back to the 50's to 70's immediately after Convergence? And what of the fans who were okay, and possibly enjoying the tones and directions before? To swipe from Marvel, What if...those fans outweigh the other? Will DC Comics once again switch things up again?
With Convergence having just started, a lot will "remain to be seen" or answered. Personally, the main question is how this effects "pull lists". Is this similar to the previous anniversaries where the titles were "swapped" for a period of time, or were fans to "update" them before hand? And would that mean they would have to also redo their lists afterwords as they possibly add some titles after some are removed? So many questions for the newer fans who haven't been through DC Comics previous revamps and relaunches in previous decades. When did The Riddler take over DC Comics?

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Monday, February 23, 2015


Of all the titles that will be new, and those that will be lost, this one stood out the most. DC Comics is concluding their New 52 imprint, and starting anew, kind of. The continuity and stories will remain unchanged. For now the monthly releases will be rolled back to 48 titles. Half of which will be new titles, meaning 28 titles will be canceled.

To make way for new titles like, Bat-Mite? That's where the problem lies. Sure, titles can come and go. But, clearing out ones that were doing fine, to make room for something that doesn't look like it will last, makes no sense. Yes, there are some titles to look forward to, like Cyborg or Black Canary. But, Red Lanterns and Batwoman (and many others) gone, to make room for Bizarro, We Are Robin, or again, Bat-Mite?

It is hard to accept what is coming when in appearance, it looks weak. Where are the much sought after titles like, Shazam!? Or some of the Milestone characters that they own the rights to? Even as a Bat-fan, it seems to be getting to be a little much with so many. Sure, not all the titles are directly related to the Batman or Gotham, but they will most likely always be thought of as such. Robin, Son Of Batman sure, but why Harley Quinn/Power Girl? Love the Harley Quinn solo title, but the brief story involving the two was good, not great. Milking the character makes sense, given her popularity, but perhaps stick with the extra issue every so often like they have been doing for holidays, and special occasions.

Credit does deserve to be given though. DC Comics decided to at least keep their continuity intact with this small relaunch. Alienating the new fans they have picked up since the launch of the New 52 would be a bad business move, and could make any new readers they pick up with this new venture weary out of the gate. Despite the above rant, things don't look too bad. For now.

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Sunday, February 15, 2015


Here in Canada (well, most parts) it is "Family Day". A day off to spend with of course, your family. And for those who do not, simply a day off (or a day to reminisce). Families can come in various forms. From straight forward blood relation, to families built on not blood, but on the foundation of love and respect. In comic books, it is all the above but taken to another level. Some fighting along side their family members, and others fighting against their families. In the spirit of the day, here are some of the families from within the pages of our favorite comic books...

The Bat Family
With the exception of Bruce and Damian, there is no blood relation amongst this family. Instead it is built on love, respect, and understanding. Like any family, there are bumps in the road, but they always push through and grow tighter.

They practically cover all the different aspects. There is of course the team in itself, a family of mutants who've come together and developed into a family. There are blood-related families within the family as well. The Summers family (with Cyclops, Jean Grey, Cable, Havok, etc), Magneto and his clan whom are a mix heroes, villains, and a mix of both.

The House Of El
Superman, Supergirl, technically Superboy (is a clone of two people blood related to the people who were cloned? hmmmmm). Of course there are those who came before them in Jor El and Lara El (Supes parents). Zor El and Alura In-Ze (Supergirl's parents) too. And thanks to multiverses, Superboy, Power Girl, amongst others fit in here as well.

The Grimes Family
Went with Rick, Lori, Carl, and Judith as really almost any group in The Walking Dead could be listed as a family. Even though sadly, this family is down to only two.

Families are everywhere, and there are many more that could be listed. Even creators like The Kubert or Romita families. In a sense comic book fans world wide. Sure we argue and bicker, but that's what families do, and ask yourself who else is there to talk about comic books? On any level? Non-fans at any age will ignore us or blankly stare as they indulge us. Think of "Trolls" as that annoying cousin nobody likes who's just looking to mess with you. But try to be nice. Okay, lame sappiness out of the way. Enjoy that day off! With family or not.

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Saturday, February 14, 2015


There used to be a 3-part edition of this from last year, unfortunetly, it disappeared. So, here is a more of a NGN Top 10 Comic Book Couples. Sure some are now defunct due to relaunches, and some may be not your typical "couple", but in today's world it all applies. All of this of course, is in the spirit of today's commercial holiday, Valentine's Day...

Clark Kent/Superman and Lois Lane

Wolverine and Mariko

Batman and Catwoman

Spider-Man and Mary Jane

Batwoman and Maggie

Cyclops and Jean Grey

Green Arrow and Black Canary

Gambit and Rogue

Rick and Lori Grimes

Black Panther and Storm

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Saturday, February 7, 2015


There have been some rumblings across the net (as per usual) about The Joker's new origin. Which has been happening within the pages of "Batman: End Game". It isn't too hard to see why people aren't accepting the clown prince of crimes background. Supernatural type stuff isn't typical of The Joker. Although it has taken place before, it isn't the norm in Gotham City.

However, although it is a new direction, it isn't the first time that we have seen Mr. J alive in come fashion through out history. Back in 2010, writer Grant Morrison and artists Chris Sprouse & Frazer Irving, showed us exactly that in "Batman: The Return Of Bruce Wayne". Although the story focused on Bruce Wayne making his way back through time to the present day, we were shown various incarnations during each time period of The Joker. Sure, it wasn't a spot on rendition but it was quite obvious he was "there". With DC Comics upcoming "Convergence" and "relaunch" (just removing "New 52" continuity is going to remain in tact), who's to say that Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo's story is even set in stone? It could have been an intended ploy to tell a great story that may not be received well. Or not, and that means either we are left to accept this, or since the story isn't over yet, it is all a ploy. Who's to say that all this isn't Mr. J recreating himself as to be more like Batman. The story of Batman does somewhat begin with him being somewhat of a myth, an urban legend, almost supernatural.

If anything, The Joker's new origin at least explains why he keeps coming back. There have been times where he should have been dead, and gone. He is a Batman villain after all, meaning he is basically still just a human. If there is an issue here, it should be not showing us after The Joker took the plunge into the vat of chemicals (assuming of course that is was him under the hood). Guess we will all just have to relax and see how Snyder and Capullo "end" this "game". Pun clearly intended.

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Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Death_Of_Wolverine.Marvel_ComicsSPOILER ALERT! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!
It is somewhat difficult to get off of the fence on this one. There is an almost perfect balance of good and bad in the 4-part series, "Death Of Wolverine". The story was very good, allowing readers to be able to jump in without having to really read any of the build up. Being a mainly DC Comics reader, this was key. The art work on the series was near flawless, telling the story and allowing readers to get a feel for Logan as he approached his "end". However, that is where the problems somewhat begin, the end. Visually it was amazing, and could make for a decent statue in the future for collectors to purchase. Wolverine covered in liquid adamantium as it hardens leaving him a human/mutant statue. On the literary end of things, it felt a bit "weak". How could they have him go out like that? A character like Wolverine, although has had depth added to his character over the years, would have been better suited to go out in a bloodbath. Yes, the character has had depth added to him, but the core is still a viscous animal. It is also, almost too easy for the ol' Canucklehead to make a return.

Perhaps that was the point. Nobody expects any character to stay dead, especially one of the top money makers in the industry. Was this is simply another "What If...?" type scenario, done to cash in but also to simply get it out of the way so to speak? The multitude of varian
t covers would suggest that, but hard to blame them as well, as who's there left to kill? Get it done, since it is going to happen, and then move onto better things. Although I hear the follow up "Death Of Wolverine: Logan's Legacy" is where the real story is, but is there really a story to be told? "Fatal Attractions" made for a good, temporary story after the fact. Wolverine without adamantium was a great idea, but was temporary as bone claws only go so far, when a character is known for the metal. Sure, there has been depth added to the character over the years, and there were obvious connections made. Both good and bad ones, but was there anything to carry an entire story arc?

Guess we'll find out in the pages of "Death Of Wolverine: Logan's Legacy". Here is hoping that the story makes up for a slightly weak ending in "Death Of Wolverine" (which again was great on the visual side of things). Also, here's to a speedy return for Wolverine, hopefully not too damaged from where we last see him before his path to his adamantium, statuesque end.

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