It is somewhat difficult to get off of the fence on this one. There is an almost perfect balance of good and bad in the 4-part series, "Death Of Wolverine". The story was very good, allowing readers to be able to jump in without having to really read any of the build up. Being a mainly DC Comics reader, this was key. The art work on the series was near flawless, telling the story and allowing readers to get a feel for Logan as he approached his "end". However, that is where the problems somewhat begin, the end. Visually it was amazing, and could make for a decent statue in the future for collectors to purchase. Wolverine covered in liquid adamantium as it hardens leaving him a human/mutant statue. On the literary end of things, it felt a bit "weak". How could they have him go out like that? A character like Wolverine, although has had depth added to his character over the years, would have been better suited to go out in a bloodbath. Yes, the character has had depth added to him, but the core is still a viscous animal. It is also, almost too easy for the ol' Canucklehead to make a return.
Perhaps that was the point. Nobody expects any character to stay dead, especially one of the top money makers in the industry. Was this is simply another "What If...?" type scenario, done to cash in but also to simply get it out of the way so to speak? The multitude of varian
t covers would suggest that, but hard to blame them as well, as who's there left to kill? Get it done, since it is going to happen, and then move onto better things. Although I hear the follow up "Death Of Wolverine: Logan's Legacy" is where the real story is, but is there really a story to be told? "Fatal Attractions" made for a good, temporary story after the fact. Wolverine without adamantium was a great idea, but was temporary as bone claws only go so far, when a character is known for the metal. Sure, there has been depth added to the character over the years, and there were obvious connections made. Both good and bad ones, but was there anything to carry an entire story arc?
Guess we'll find out in the pages of "Death Of Wolverine: Logan's Legacy". Here is hoping that the story makes up for a slightly weak ending in "Death Of Wolverine" (which again was great on the visual side of things). Also, here's to a speedy return for Wolverine, hopefully not too damaged from where we last see him before his path to his adamantium, statuesque end.
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