Saturday, October 26, 2013


As a person who loves the art and visual side of things in the world of comic books, movies, etc. I really like a variety in a characters wardrobe. Whether it be a simple modification (ie. Batman or Superman's logo) or a complete yet still identifiable rework (ie. Catwoman, etc) it keeps a character fresh, or at times can add to the story in which the costume is being used (ie. Original black Spider-Man costume, etc).

Here are the Non-Geeky Nerd's Top 5 favorite comic book Fashionista's....

5) Captain America
Cap' earned a spot mostly for his movie appearances for this one. There was the straight from the comic book style costume in 1990's Captain America. Which goes to show why straight from the page doesn't always work on the big screen. There was a taste of this in the beginning of "Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)" but received a very nice upgrade later on in the movie. His costume in "The Avengers (2012)" worked well with the tone of the movie, however by the looks of his newest duds in the upcoming "Captain America: Winter Soldier", things are getting even better.

4) Cyclops
Top of my head I can name 6 different costumes worn by Scott Summers, and that was just until the mid-1990's. After some quick looks across the world wide web, I see that Cyclops is still changing costumes with both the times and story-arcs. And it also must be a family thing as there are other members of the Summers family who have a knack for fashion....

 3) Cable
Cable changes looks so much he needed a clone to pull off some others. Now I know it's  mostly based on who is drawing him and that it is mainly his arsenal, but when you brings guns like he does, it is a fashion statement ahaha And like I mentioned in the #4 slot, seems to be a Summers family trend, Cable's father Cyclops, his step-mother Jean Grey (isn't she still technically his mom if it's her clone who is his mother?), and even his uncle Alex Summers aka Havok is a comic book Fashionista.

2) Spider-Man
Although he tends to stick  with his traditional blue and red costume, when Spidey changes up it is noticeable and most times is visually awesome. Even non-Peter Parker Spider-Men have wicked costumes. Spider-Man 2099 was not only the best of the 2099 stories, but that costume was fantastic. Even Spidey's simple Black is great. I always wondered how a white costume would look and I see they covered that in  a Future Foundation/Fantastic 4 run (looked amazing I must say). And love or hate the movies (either franchise), can't deny the costumes have been pretty on par.

1) Catwoman
From starting out with what is possibly Top 100 ugliest costumes, with a dress, cape and giant cat head, Catwoman has evolved and prospered ever since. There are many, many variations on the Catwoman costume through out comic books with both mainstay costumes (current New 52, etc) and different outfits for different storylines or alternate worlds (ie The Long Halloween, etc). Catwoman also has various looks in other medias. In television (animation) there is here classic "Batman: The Animated Series" outfits, as well as other animated appearances, even on the live-action 1960's television series, she had at least 2 different outfits. On the big screen, there has been 3 (4 if you included "Batman: The Movie (1966)") different costumes, personal favorite being the black vinyl in "Batman Returns (1992)" a la Michelle Pfeiffer. Meow.

Honorable mentions go to; Havok, Wolverine, Iron Man and the goddamn Batman.

Stay Nerdy!

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