Friday, October 3, 2014


Although I tend to me more of a DC Comics guy, I have a soft spot for Marvel. It was due to there being only Marvel available in the area I lived for a period as a child. Marvel filled the void for me with mainly X-titles, so "Death Of Wolverine" intrigued me. Call me a fanboy, or what have you but Wolvie is my all-time favorite Marvel character. He moves ahead of fellow mutie, Cable, for being a fellow Canuck. And if having his adamantium ripped off his bones by Magneto during the Fatal Attractions story arc didn't kill him, what could possibly do the trick?

Now none of us can believe that this 4-part series is something that will last, with Logan being one of (if not the) top money makers. But, one can't help but wonder how they would kill off the character who is almost immortal. I haven't heard it, but Marvel would have been smart to outright say, this is almost a "What if...?" type deal. Sure the result of this story could lead to something bigger, perhaps a new path for Wolverine. Perhaps not. Regardless, we have a Wolverine sans his healing ability. Popping his claws is killing him. And the world is against him. One can't help but be interested in how he goes down. It's not whether or not it will be bloody, it is a matter of just how red things will get. With so many enemies out there, who will be trying to take Logan down? And will we see the ol' Canucklehead take some of these people out with him? First issue was a good lead in, explains the limitations Wolverine has while his last hope lies with Reed Richards aka Mr. Fantastic trying to figure out how to restart his healing factor. The art work was top notch. But, if I am being honest, my favorite part of the first installment, was the Len Wein interview in the back. It was nice to see how Wolverine came to be, starting with a name and developing into what we see in his first appearance in The Incredible Hulk #180/181. Then evolving over time into the character we know and love today. Didn't even realize Wolvie is celebrating his 40th Anniversary this year.

Although my favorite part was the extras in the back of the issue, I am very much looking forward to how this story plays out. Especially with Viper and Sabertooth on deck for the 2nd installment. Again, not a matter of there being blood shed, especially with Creed in the picture, it is a matter of how much. Can't wait!

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