Thursday, February 13, 2014


Happy Valentine's Day! Back with the final list of couples from the worlds of comic books. For now that is, there will be in the future. With the ones that I forgot to add, and likely, with the way comic book characters "get around" within their universes, I am sure that there will be more to add to the massive list. You can find the first list (HERE) and the second list (HERE)

Hope you enjoy them. Did your favorites make the list yet? Find out below...

Black Panther & Storm
Although the relationship is apparently on the outs, or they seemed to be on that road, they reached "Married Couple" status before, like most famous marriages, it all came to an end. Luckily, one key difference between them, is in comic books, relationships ending are like deaths, a temporary thing. What about their destined to be great children they were foretold about?

Hawkman & Hawkgirl
Destined to be together forever. Each life spent together, but with each, comes having to watch the other die. Beautiful yet tragic. Great for comics, and likely the reason for their longevity.

Wolverine & Jean Grey
I don't think it has ever been more than a super steamy, high tensioned, mutual crush. Wolverine falling for the girl next door who's dating the head jock, and for Jean it was the stereotypical "bad boy" crush. For the record, as a child I was "Team Logan" as kids say these days...wait do they still do that?

Steve Trevor & Wonder Woman
Who knows, maybe when Superman and Wonder Woman's current fling ends badly as it has been said to be (Geoff Johns apparently said so), maybe this classic couple can reunite. Until then however, after the media focused embarrassment of the split, we shall say, "Poor Steve".

Mr. Fantastic & Invisible Woman
To some they are the "First Couple" of the Marvel Universe. With longevity, marriage, and of course some kiddies, they've endured through a lot. Even the initial "Fantastic 4" movie franchise. And despite Namor's attempts also.

Bruce-Wayne-and-Talia-al-Ghul. Batman-&-Talia.Comic-Book-Couples.
Batman & Talia al Ghul
Regardless of current status or the reasons behind the relationship. They gave us Damian Wayne, your argument is invalid. Okay, you are entitled to your opinion. However, this relationship gets props for Talia's father, Ra's, being completely okay with this union. Bats "awkward" moments with Ra's al Ghul, are completely different from what many have had to endure in the future "father-in-law" department.

Ant-Man.Wasp. Avengers.Ant-Man-And-Wasp.Comic-Book-Couples.
Ant-Man & Wasp
This one has had its ups and downs, and bottom of the barrel (spousal abuse is just that). They have been married, divorced, reconciled, turned down a proposal of renewing their marriage (by Wasp), to living in retirement together, only for Wasp to return to action. Solo. However, with Marvel's ever revamping and relaunching world, who's to say we won't see these two size-changers reunite, or renew. Abuse is bad, however it made for some realism within the comic books, it provided awareness and that is good.

Red Lantern Guy Gardner & Ice
A relationship of hot tempers and cold receptions. Pardon the puns. If you've read "Red Lanterns #27" and "Green Lantern/Red Lanterns #28" you know this icy hots current relationship status. If not, check out these reviews to find out...Red Lanterns #27 and Green Lantern/Red Lanterns #28. Spoiler alerts within those links. Been warned.

Daredevil & Elektra
Reminds me of Marvel's Batman & Catwoman or perhaps more so, Batman & Talia al Ghul or a mix of both relationships maybe....Daredevil....Batman....yes people are still  going there. Personally, I can't wait.

Thanos & Death
Go read "Infinity Gauntlet" if you haven't. Re-read if you have. You're welcome.

And Happy Valentine's Day to those who celebrate the holiday that holds its own against Christmas as the top "over-commercialized" holiday of the year. To some of you, best of luck 9months from now lol And sorry to all the people who's favorite couples didn't make the lists as there were a lot that were left out, not intentional at all.

Stay Nerdy!

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