Sunday, February 16, 2014


In Canada it is "Family Day"! Us Canucks don't get how this is a holiday either, but it's a day off, so the people will take it, and most do spend the time with family or close friends. Comic books of course are loaded with families and characters that are related, whether it be by blood or by bond. This includes the talent that bring these characters to life in every panel and page.
With a mixture of both comic book characters, and the people who bring them to life (artists, writers) here is a list of some of the family dynasties within the comic book universes...

The Summers Family
One of Marvel's comic book families. Members include Scott Summers/Cyclops, his brother Alex Summers/Havok, their father Major Christopher Summers/Corsair, Scott's children (from the future but not) Nathan Summers/Cable and Rachel Summers/Phoenix. Then there is Cable's son, Tyler. And don't forget about Jean Grey aka Marvel Girl aka Phoenix who is Scott's wife and mother of his children (Cable's mother was a clone of Jean, so same thing really).

The Wayne Family
Not to forget the great bloodline that Bruce Wayne comes from, but it is the family he's built since dawning the cape and cowl that we are referring too. Family is more than blood. Batman (Bruce Wayne) and all of his sons both adopted, foster or birth, Nightwing (Richard Grayson), Red Hood (Jason Todd), Red Robin (Tim Drake) and Robin (Damian Wayne) have proven just that over the years. The relaunch has since added some family issues as of late (Joker's last appearance, Damian's current "death" status), but they pull through, or we're hoping they do. Oh, and Bruce possibly has a relative out there? Read "Batman: City Of Owls" if you have not.

The Eisenhardt Family
The size of and the members of this family vary from "earth" to "earth". Magneto is the patriarch of this dynasty, with his children Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, his grandchildren Speed, Wiccan, Pavel Rasputin, etc. Former and possible "in-laws" include Vision, Doctor Doom, Crystal, etc. Magnetism, speed and magic. I do like how Magneto would have an advantage against the men his daughter brings home. Android and a man in a metal suit. They probably had her home by 11pm...a day early lol And I believe Polaris may also be an offspring of Magneto, which at times links the Eisenhardt and Summers families.

The Grimes Family
They are kind of the First Family Of The Zombie Apocalypse in The Walking Dead. Both in print and on screen. Of Rick, Lori, Carl and Judith Grimes, in both the comic book and television series, only two members remain. (and for the record, regardless of genetics, Rick is Judith's father).

The Kubert Family
A family of comic book artists, writers, and creators. The late great Joe Kubert, who's work and contributions to comic books is legendary gave us, greats in their own right, Adam and Andy Kubert. And they help pass on their knowledge within their family owned school, The Kubert School, which was founded by Joe who also taught there before passing, and carrying that on is both Adam and Andy.

The Richards Family
Best known members of this clan are Mr. Fantastic/Reed Richards, Invisible Woman/Sue Storm-Richards and their son, Franklin Richards, and of course Sue's brother, Human Torch/Johnny Storm. There is also Reed's father, like-wise super smart, former Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., and also a time traveler, Nathaniel Richards.

The House Of El
Of course, there is Kal El/Clark Kent/Superman son of Jor El and Lara El. Kal's uncle from his fathers side, Zor El and his wife Alura In-Ze, whom are parents of Kara Zor El/Kara Kent/Supergirl. And regardless of which incarnation (there are many), whether clone or not there is Superboy, sometimes Kon El. Hopefully, there is a lawyer somewhere in this bloodline, with all the legal drama over the years. Although not Kryptonian, Martha & Jonathan Kent get honorary mentions for having raised Kal El. They did an okay job, I'd say.

The Romita Family
Legendary artist John Romita Sr, his wife Virginia Romita (apparently once long time Marvel Traffic Manager), and their also legendary son, John Romita Jr. Spider-Man. X-Men. Kick-Ass. And others to which we all say a collective "Thank you". Although primarily a "Marvel" family, John Jr. is coming over to DC Comics. Cannot wait for that.

Well, that's all for now. There are many, many more families both large and small within the comic book universes. Wouldn't be surprised to see a new baby pop up in The Walking Dead, with the last name Grimes. Or new babies in any of the titles across the publisher board. With the way they seem to "get around". Just saying. It may be "Family Day" in Canada, but in some cases a lot of families begin about 9months from now thanks to the very recently celebrated Valentine's Day.

Stay Nerdy!

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