Sunday, March 30, 2014


Each week we will try to put the spotlight on those who make things like comic con extra special with a professional approach to cosplaying. Some cases they are exact replicas of the characters we've seen in live action movies or television shows, but sometimes they are responsible for bringing to life the characters that the movies and television series have yet to do. Then there are the photos or prints that they sell during their appearances or through their websites, which at times add effects or shot in a manner that one would think that they were pulled right from a film.

The first cosplayer that we are featuring is Callie Cosplay aka Leah Burroughs. She is more of the more well rounded cosplayers out there, with not only making and modeling her costumes at conventions and in her pictures, but Callie also is responsible for creating a large portion of her photos from the other side of the camera. Not sure if she was responsible for the amazingly well done photos featured below or not, but regardless, they are like mentioned, amazing.

Here are the links to most of Callie's official pages and site. I recommend checking them out and looking at a her much larger collection of photos. There isn't any nudity or gore, but some pics may be considered too risque for a workplace setting so take caution. She also has prints available for sale, so if you like what you see, be sure to go to her website and purchase the ones you like.

Facebook Page:

Below is just a small sample of her portfolio, she does cover other genres outside of comic books as well. Go check it out via the links posted above. And remember to tune in next week for another installment of "Suit-Up Sunday! Cosplayer Of The Week"! Until then...


Of course all the pics belong to the featured cosplayer and their respective photographers.

Stay Nerdy!

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