Wednesday, April 2, 2014


The-Walking-Dead.TWD.Daryl-Dixon.Norman-ReedusAfter initially being "fooled" this past April Fools Day, I decided to partake and help spread the initial prank. Daryl Dixon was set to make his debut within the pages of the comic book "The Walking Dead". Of course if you watch the show, you are well aware of Norman Reedus' role as the rough neck archer Daryl Dixon. Who was created for AMC's "The Walking Dead" and has never appeared in the comic from which it originates.
The reaction across the net seemed to consist of three groups. Fans of the television series being all in favor for such an event. Fans of the only "The Walking Dead" universe within the comic books. And those who were either a fan of either or both, who simply could care less either way. Most had valid arguments as to why he should or shouldn't. Some simply love the character that is Daryl Dixon and see him as a missing piece to the comic world. He draws ratings after having grown into one of the more popular characters on the show, maybe he could add to even more sales numbers for "The Walking Dead" comic book. Others have stated that the comic book doesn't "need" him to appear within the comic books, as it is strong enough as it is. Him appearing would be cliche and something Marvel Comics or DC Comics would do. Neither side is wrong. He would add to sales, but they don't need the bump. More money would benefit the creative team and then in turn the fans if the opposite of the Big 2 in those regards, but not guaranteed and unneeded right now.
The-Walking-Dead.TWD.Daryl-Dixon.Norman-Reedus.Come to think of it, the "Life and Death Of Daryl Dixon" somewhat represents bad things for all fans in some ways. We will know ratings have taken a dive and the show is in trouble if Daryl Dixon is killed off, and if he lives within the comic books, we will know that the sales have dipped majorly. The Walking Dead Creator Robert Kirkman says that it will never happen, but comic book business is similar to what they say religiously in wrestling and that is "never say never". So who's to say that Daryl Dixon fans won't get their wish of having him grace the pages of "The Walking Dead" after having loved the character on AMC's version. Until then...

Stay Nerdy!

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